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Laboratory Bead Mill

Release Time:2019-11-05 08:02:43 View:2517

Laboratory Bead Mill

●The  Lab Mill milling vessel is in horizontal state, the ginder made in rotator pin mode for milling dispersing. Suitable to have extra-fine milling of solid-liquid suspensoid. The main machine adopts frequency variable speed regulating and the operation is carried out by contact screen (non-explosion-proof), with menu-type management therefore it is simple and convenient to operate. It is widely applied in coating, ink, super fine powder of nonmetalliferous ore, dyes, magnetic recording material, etc of industry department and the laboratory of LA colleges. This model is easy to operate. It is the must for super milling in labortory.

●Notes: The material of grinder has alloy steel, full-zirconia mareral (including the inwall of tank) full-zirconia material grinders can be capable of reducing pollution as much as possiple. The machine has two options: explosion-proof and non-explosion-proof.


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