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Zirconium Bead

Release Time:2019-11-08 08:26:26 View:2259

Zirconium Bead

Z80 zirconia beads

● good roundness, smooth surface, bright, no air hole;
● high strength, high toughness, impact resistance, not broken;
● good stability, acid and alkali resistance;

● low wear, minimal wear on equipment, a higher cost performance.

Z95 yttrium stabilized zirconia bead

● good roundness, smooth surface, bright, high density, good strength, hard;
● good stability, strong acid and alkali resistance;
● excellent toughness, high compressive strength, impact resistance, not broken;
● low wear, minimal wear on equipment, is the best grinding medium.

Guangdong Leadmark Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd@Copy Right
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