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The difference between horizontal bead mill and vertical bead mill

Release Time:2019-11-01 07:42:49 View:4608

    The grinding machine mainly relies on the high-speed rotation between the grinding medium and the material to carry on the grinding work. According to the external form, sander can be divided into vertical sander and horizontal sander. So are these two just differences in external form? Here's how they differ in performance.

1. Compare the manufacturing difficulty. Because of avoiding the problem of sealing, the vertical sander is easier to manufacture and lower in cost. Therefore, vertical sand mill, more suitable for some of the lower requirements on the product, but the need for high production of products. On the contrary, the production cost of horizontal sand mill is higher, but, it can ensure the sealing of the material, prevent the pollution of the product, well ensure the purity of the product. Suitable for some grinding products requiring high precision and fineness.

2. From the point of fineness of grinding. The grinding medium in the grinding chamber of vertical sander is affected by gravity, the filling rate of the medium is low, and the distribution is uneven, which makes the grinding effect not ideal. But horizontal sand mill can overcome the effect of gravity on the medium, so as to have a better grinding effect, can meet the product requirements of fineness.

3, from the cost of use to compare. When the vertical grinding machine stops, the grinding medium is at the bottom of the grinding chamber. Then, as soon as the machine is switched on, the blade will generate a strong friction with the bead. Because the grinding bead is too concentrated, it is easy to cause the occurrence of broken bead event, and there is a potential risk of mechanical depreciation and replacement cost. Horizontal sand mill to avoid this situation, a good extension of the service life of the equipment.

4, from the perspective of material analysis. Vertical sander is generally used ordinary materials, and horizontal sander generally choose a better material, general horizontal sander used materials are tungsten carbide metal materials.

Horizontal sanding machine is not just vertical sanding machine horizontally placed, because of the influence of gravity is also different manufacturing materials, produced a lot of different. They all have their own USES, as customers, we only understand the characteristics of the two, so that we can better choose more suitable products produced by their own.

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